
Normandy Normandy, a magnificent region, is the emblem of a historic period which helps us better understand the life that we know. My project traverses some of the area — the key to what we know, where hardly sixty-six years ago the Allied Forces made their first advance to liberate Europe. The spirit of their…

Sul Campo

Sul Campo The Strength of Nature We usually imagine that any human interference with the landscape does nothing but “invade”, modify, and often irreversibly sabotage nature. For decades, the production of energy destroyed nature, marking the landscape with indelibale scars. At an old power station, high-voltage pylons are “colonized” by photovoltaic panels to protect a…

Walking along Via Francigena

Walking along Via Francigena Following the traces of ancient Etruscan roads winding in the tuff or in the fields of the park of Veio, David focuses on details of the images depicting modern popular devotion such as the images that characterize the surroundings of the abandoned sanctuary of Sorbo. The pictures portray sacred and profane…


Giannutri His way of experiencing the territory is expressed by his idea of taking pictures of places where people spend their time in a particular way. This trend became stronger and stronger year after year  and brought to light some signs that David Schivo now follows systematically. He is fascinated by the differences  and the…